
從十二月一日開始, 如果想在西雅圖公立圖書館列印電腦上的資料將開始收費. 每一張 10 美分. 另外從 12 月 1 日起, 下列的費用也有所調整. Adult materials overdue: 15 cents a day per item (was 10 cents) Maximum overdue fine: $6 per item (was $4) Large print materials: will accrue fines (had been fine-free) Library Card balance $15 (was $20). Library users with a balance of $15 or more will lose borrowing privileges. Library Card replacement charge for adults and young adults age 13 and older: $1 (no charge before). Initial card is free. Visitor card $15 for three-month card (was $10). Non-resident card $55 for 12-month card (was $50). The Library will not charge for overdue children’s materials, as is currently the policy. Overdue adult materials checked out on a child’s card, however, will accrue fines beginning Dec. 1, 2003. Children who lose their Library Cards will not be charged replacement fees. For more information, call the Borrower Services Department at 206-386-4190