
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death in the state of Washington for youth 10-24 years old; the leading cause being motor vehicle accidents.

  • In Washington State alone, the suicide rate among youth is about 10% higher than the national average. 
  • There were nearly twice as many suicides as homicides of youth ages 10–24.

  • In Washington State and nationally, whites accounted for the highest total number of suicides, while Native Americans accounted for the highest rates of suicide.

  • In Washington State and nationally, females attempted suicide more frequently, yet males died by suicide more often by a ratio of at least 4:1.

  • In Washington State, firearms were the leading method of suicide for both males and females.

  • 孩子提到他一位朋友在感恩節期間自殺了,這孩子住在附近和孩子是搭同一路校車上下學。孩子說我們應該看過他,看了下照片,一個似曾相識的臉。這是孩子的學校今年第三起成功的自殺。去年,孩子的另一位我們也認識的女孩曾試圖自殺,不過沒有成功。



    Youth Suicide Prevention Program

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

    Suicide prevention is ‘everybody’s business’

    CDC: Flu shot less effective this year because current flu virus has mutated
