居住靠近 Green River 嗎?

如果您是住在 Auburn, Kent, Tukwila 或 Renton, 靠近 Green River 的地區, 您也許會收到您居住城市寄來的警告信. Water seeping through Howard Hanson Dam is picking up speed Elections office moving out of flood zone to Boeing Field King County declares flood-threat state of emergency State and federal government gears up for Green River flooding Downstream from dam, valley residents and businesses prepare for worst 由於 Green River 上游的 Howard Hanson Dam 年初出現了漏水的現象, 今年冬季水壩將無法接受大量的雨水, 甚至於有潰隄的可能. 金恩郡位於 Renton 洪水區的選舉部門將暫時搬至 Boeing Field. 想知道更多消息, 可以參加金恩郡這個月的資訊會議. Green River 防洪宣導手冊. Side Note: Some King County cities see crime rise Cameras keep track of all cars entering Medina Gun violence on sharp rise in Seattle Local museums rethink no-photos policy: 自九月二十六日起, EMP/SFM 准許參觀者照相了… 別忘了 EMP/SFM 每個月第一個星期四的下午五點至八點免費. Smoking bans ‘cut heart attacks’ Some museums free on Saturday (9/26/2009): Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day (免費入館) Enjoy a national park free today (9/26/2009): 免費國家公園
