Sea-Tac Flight Info

Sea-Tac Real-Time Flight Information Sea-Tac 就是 Sea-Tac. 請不要說是西雅圖機場 (Seattle Airport) 或 Tacoma 機場. 因為這不是正確的說法. 比如 Tacoma 機場? 請問是說 Tacoma Industrial Airport 還是 Tacoma Narrows Airport? 西雅圖機場? 沒聽說過. 大概是指 Boeing Field. 因為 Boeing Field 最靠近西雅圖. 所以 Sea-Tac 就是 Sea-Tac, 請不要改名了… Medical Side Note: Vitamin D does a body good Pediatricians suggest keeping kids active An overdose of … Tylenol? It’s a leading cause of liver poisonings FDA warns maker of blood-sugar monitors Blood test shows promise in detecting colorectal cancer Heart-burn cure may be worse than cause Study: X-rays can detect early lung cancer Study: Impotence can warn of heart disease
