Teamsters Local 174 工會的會員有可能於星期四凌晨起開始罷工 (二)

Trash strike averted for 1 company; talks stall for another How a garbage-collection strike could affect you: 不過還是建議照您收垃圾的時間, 把垃圾送出來. 垃圾公司可能會雇請臨時工暫代. 罷工區域: 西雅圖 I-90 以南(包括 West Seattle), I-5 以西和 Ship Canal 以北. Auburn, Bothell, Burien, Federal Way, Kent, Newcastle, Maple Valley, Renton, Issaquah, Kirkland, Redmond, Carnation, Duvall, Mill Creek, Monroe, Arlington, Marysville, Granite Falls and Darrington. Threat of garbage strike intensifies Site Note: At U.S. dinner tables, the food may be a fraud FDA review: Ice part of seafood price? One Reel: No fireworks over Lake Union on July 4: 今年七月四日 Lake Union 將沒有煙火施放