[電影] Bigger, Stronger, Faster*

SIFF 免費票去 Pacific Place Cinema 看這 documentary. 結果臨時要做其他工作. 現在只好等 DVD 了…

“We play to win in America with our use of performance enhancers, but at what cost? First-time feature filmmaker Christopher Bell's intensely personal documentary blends investigative work, interviews, home video, news pieces, and retro-styled animation into a sophisticated and entertaining argument that asks the tough questions about body perception, performance enhancement, and competition in America.”

Side Note:
Expect fireworks prices to skyrocket
Farmers Markets 2008: When they open, where they are

Mukilteo Station

等了四年半多, Sounder 終於在 5/31 日起開始要停靠在 Mukilteo 了. 不過這只是多了一個搭乘的選擇. 對我而言, 搭公車還是比火車快多了. 畢竟沒有理由花三個小時上班和下班時, 來回上班地點到 King Street Station, 然後又回到(經過)上班的地方. 除非 Sound Transit 在 North Downtown Seattle 蓋個車站, 不然火車對位於要往北 Snohomish County 的人來說, 沒有理由花時間往南到車站, 然後又往北的方式. 直接在市中心搭公車反而方便許多. Side Note: Savvy shopping saves dough Obesity epidemic among U.S. kids may have peaked Too much medical treatment? Hospital rankings vary in study of aggressiveness Summer Map: Parent Map 是大西雅圖地區的免費刊物. 這裡列出不少夏季的活動.

Alder Lake (Tacoma Power)

[img=images/image_20080524_alderlake.jpg popup=false] Alder LakeTacoma Power 管轄的一個人造湖. 這湖水也是 Pierce County 的水力發電的來源之一. 利用 Memorial Weekend 帶小朋友去露營. 第一天晚上雨下得瘋狂. 不過連續兩天都看到漂亮的日落.