
昨天搭公車回家, 發現整車有 15 位女性, 只有我一位男性乘客… Well, 駕駛也是男的. 不過還是滿神奇的記錄. 全車只有我一位男乘客. 還沒有坐過全車乘客只有我一人的記錄. 最少的記錄是三位…包括我. Side Note: Getting money back after ATM theft tougher than it looks Housing market starting to wear thin Medical Side Note: Not just baby fat: More infants weigh too much Genetics may decide cancer treatment Study backs drug to fight 2nd stroke Defibrillator problems examined A soda a day can add 15 pounds Therapy often not paired with pills

Welcome Home

USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72)USS Shoup (DDG-86) 今天早上回到了母港 Everett. It always feels great to see her at port. Side Note: Coming soon: gas-price jump: 油價有可能在一兩個月上漲至一加侖 $4 美元. Homes taking a bit longer to sell, but prices still up Condo price rise outpaces houses Heat wave can sometimes hold off crime Medical Side Note: Ultrasound scans can affect brain development Injection appears to give speedy depression relief Saturated fats hit health twice

Ocean Shores

以前去了幾次 Ocean Shores, 不過都是在淡季的時候去. 沙灘上沒有什麼人, 陰陰的天氣也看不到什麼東西. 上個週末終於第一次在夏季的時候去了 Ocean Shores. 沙灘上擠滿了人潮, 不過由於沙灘非常的大, 人潮間也是滿分散的. 越接近城中心的沙灘, 人潮越擁擠. 不少人就租著馬, 沙灘車或小摩托車在沙灘上飛馳. 天氣還是要碰運氣. 我們去的三天只有第一天出了個太陽, 另外兩天都是濃霧的天氣, 還是什麼也看不到. 海岸的水溫和淡季的時候一樣的冷. 沒有半個人在游泳. 氣溫至少還有六十幾度, 因此還有在沙灘上睬水散步的人. Side Note: Study links teen sex, raunchy tunes Nonprofits better in national study of nursing homes Danger in shopping carts Medical Side Note: A salty world makes it hard to cut down