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禽流感病毒資訊, 也有正體中文的簡介(不過資料很少, 而且是和 SARS 一起報告).

CDC 公佈關於禽流感病毒的 Q&A. 裡面比較注意的我自己認為有這些. 更詳細的資訊可至上面的網站查尋.

* 正確的飲食, 勤洗手, 保持身體的抵抗力 (eat right, wash their hands and take common-sense steps to bolster their health and immune systems.)

* 建議施打流感疫苗. 流感疫苗無法抵制禽流感病毒, 但是身體裡建立起來的抵抗力可以保護可能的新疾病 (suggested getting a flu shot. The vaccine for the upcoming flu season doesn't confer protection against bird flu. But protecting people against conventional flu could make them stronger against a new illness, health experts say.)

* Tamiflu 是對抗一般的流感病毒有效的藥物. 科學家們相信它也許可以用來對抗 H5N1 的(禽流感)病毒. 但是任何 Tamiflu 等的 antiviral 是否有對抗的功效, 還是在於病毒本身. (Tamiflu is effective at treating ordinary flu, and scientists believe it may help combat human infections caused by the H5N1 virus. However, the effectiveness of any antiviral medicines such as Tamiflu could change depending on how the virus changes.)

* 如果禽流感病毒來襲, 北卡羅來納州估計將會有約 5,600 個州民死於病毒. 但是每年死於吸煙的州民約 10,000 人.

WHO: Biggest bird flu threat in Asia
WHO: Biggest bird flu threat in Asia
Q&A : Bird-flu questions keeping CDC busy
Americans' bird flu concerns addressed
Bird flu likely to spread, but biggest peril still seen in Asia

Medical Side Note:
High U.S. demand for flu vaccine seen
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