
剛剛在電梯巧遇很久沒有見面的朋友. 由於我們的部門是不同樓層的, 因此並不太常見面. 在一陣寒暄後, 問問彼此的工作狀況… 他竟然回答, “他先前離開公司已經四年半了, 上個月才又回來.” 可是我好像偶爾在公司內看到他呀!!! 日子過淂也實在太快了吧!!! 四年半感覺起來只有兩三個月而已… Local Side Note: Home cool-down? Not in this market Home prices — and competition — strong Bellevue E. coli cases reported Medical Side Note: Cervical cancer vaccine (子宮頸癌的疫苗) 100% effective in trials Study indicates vaccine prevents cervical cancer

[新聞]某些 Dole 的沙拉含有大腸桿菌 (E. Coli)

FDA Issues Nationwide Health Alert on Dole Pre-Packaged Salads

看看家裡近幾星期買的 Dole 沙拉袋是否是下列的這幾種. 照它的日期, 我想就算是有也大概也已經是吃掉了… :-p
* Classic Romaine – 有最佳食用日期 “best-if-used-by (BIUB)” date of September 23, 2005 and a production code beginning with (產品編號起始於) “B250.”
* American Blend – 有最佳食用日期 “best-if-used-by (BIUB)” date of September 23, 2005 and a production code beginning with (產品編號起始於) “B250.”
* Greener Selection – 有最佳食用日期 “best-if-used-by (BIUB)” date of September 22, 2005, and a production code beginning with (產品編號起始於) “B250.”

Medical Side Note:
Most Americans will be overweight in time, study says
Study: Most will be fat over the long haul
Bicyclists and sex: Seat of a problem
Cancer death rates decrease; cases of liver cancer on rise