
網站 Snohomich County 建了個網站給 County 內的各個警局一個可以搜尋看那一個地方的監獄有較少的受刑人. 目的是減少 County 內監獄的支出, 不用一堆受刑人幾一個監獄, 其他監獄卻空空的. 連帶的也讓居民知道誰進了監獄. 一切都是 real-time (6:00am – 10:00pm). 下次如果找不到常常喜歡酒後駕車, 半夜喜歡開宴會, 或是常常到警局報到的朋友? 也許可以上網查查. Web site gives a peek at jail’s bookings list By Diana Hefley Herald Writer A new feature on the county Web site could end up saving taxpayers thousands of dollars. The Snohomish County Jail has made its inmate register available online. The electronic register allows anyone with Internet access to find out who has been booked into jail in the past 24 hours, on what charge and how much bail is for the inmate. The list is updated every hour between 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., jail director Steve Thompson said. “It is a real-time look at who’s in custody, who’s been booked and who’s been released,” he said. With the site available to anyone, nosey neighbors can check on each other and families can rule out jail if a loved one is late for dinner. But the site was designed primarily for police agencies, Thompson said. He predicts that the online feature will cut costs for departments that contract with the county for jail services. Police will be able to monitor who is being held in the county jail for crimes committed in their jurisdictions. Often times a person is arrested in a city other than where the crime was committed. “Until we get the jail bill we may not know and in some cases we could have moved them,” Mill Creek Police Chief Bob Crannell said. Mill Creek contracts for jail services with Okanogan County, where it costs $20 less a day to house an inmate. “Our community pays its own jail bill. If I can find a cheaper place to hold prisoners, I’m going to use it,” Crannell said. “This is going to help me do that.” Crannell estimated that housing inmates in Okanogan County could save the city about $35,000 this year. The online register also will help cities get moving on the court process sooner. City prosecutors and public defenders can know immediately what cases will be coming their way. “It will save scads of time,” Lynnwood Cmdr. Don Cirino said. “Instead of sending e-mails out to the prosecutor, the public defender, investigations — these huge lists– we just give them the Web address.” The feature also can aid with investigations, Lynnwood Cmdr. Paul Watkins said. “We can see if a suspect of ours is incarcerated and get a detective up there in a timely manner to contact a suspect,” he said. Thompson said the online register is not part of the strategy to ease overcrowding at the jail. “It can’t hurt though. I think it could contribute to fewer prisoner days here,” he said. Reporter Diana Hefley: 425-339-3463 or [email protected].

如何到 Edmonds大華超市

在 Edmonds 的 99 Ranch (大華超市)的地址是: 22511 Highway 99, Edmonds , WA 98020 開車: (I-5 Exit 179) 如果你來自南邊西雅圖 (King County), I-5 北上. 如果你來自東邊城市, I-520 轉 I-5 北上, 或 I-405 轉 I-5 南下. 如果你來自北邊城市 Everett 或 Lynnwood 以北, 則是 I-5 南下. 出口是 Exit 179. 北上的人轉左(往西)進 220st SW. 轉彎後靠內側車道(左側), 第一個紅綠燈是南下 I-5 的進出口. 第二個紅綠燈 64th Ave. W 第三個紅綠燈 66th Ave. W (Shell 在街口西南側, Shell 在街口東北側) 開始大角度的下坡. 第四個紅綠燈 70th Ave. W (Blue Cross 在右邊; 北側) 開始大角度的上坡. 第五個紅綠燈 Highway 99 左轉 南下的人轉右(往西)進 220st SW. 轉彎後靠內側車道(左側), 第一個紅綠燈 64th Ave. W 第二個紅綠燈 66th Ave. W (Shell 在街口西南側, Shell 在街口東北側) 開始大角度的下坡. 第三個紅綠燈 70th Ave. W (Blue Cross 在右邊; 北側) 開始大角度的上坡. 第四個紅綠燈 Highway 99 左轉 左轉後進 Highway 99 靠最內側車道(左側), 並馬上在下一個紅綠燈 (224st St. SW) 左轉. 大華超市就在右邊. ——————————————————————————– 坐公車的人: 從華盛頓大學須轉三次公車. 重點是找到達 Aurora Transit Center 的公車. 從 UW HUB 乘坐 Metro #68, #75 到 Northgate Transit Center 從 Northgate Transit Center 乘坐 Metro #346 至 Aurora Transit Center 從 Aurora Transit Center 乘坐 Commuity Transit #101 至 大華超市 — 回程時則至街道的對面反向乘坐 從 Aurora Transit Center: 乘坐藍色的 Community Transit #100 或 #101 (不會坐錯, 這裡是公車的起點) 注意右邊的位置, 從上車到大華超市不會超過八分鐘. 1. 公車出發後, 轉個 180 度進 N 200st. 過了個紅綠燈後, 會看到 Costco 和 Costco 的油站. 2. 然後公車右轉進 Highway 99 3. 你會看到左邊的 Lovers, China Skipper (中華閣) 和右邊的 Costco 4. 紅綠燈是 Lake Ballinger Way. 左邊有 Arby’s 和 Denny’s 餐館, 右邊有 Volkswagen 的車商 5. 公車過 US-104 的橋. 很快的 Burlington Coat Factory 在右邊, Seoul Plaza(韓國店集中區) 在左邊 6. 紅綠燈是 240st SW. 7-Eleven 和 Citco 油站在右邊, Safeway 和 Blockbuster 在左邊 7. 緊接著是在左邊的 BooHan Plaza(韓國店集中區), Country Farm 和 Public Storage 8. 當看到右側的 76 油站時, 拉鈴. 9. 大華超市和 Rite Aid 是緊鄰的. 另一種從華盛頓大學較快的方式是直接乘坐 Community Transit. 只是這只有平常日. 週末和休假日是沒有的. 必須要早上從 UW HUB 乘坐 Community Transit #810 (10:45 AM, 11:45 AM). 經過 Mountlake Terrace Park & Ride -> 236th Street SW -> 56 Avenue W -> 220 Street SW, 然後在經過 Highway 99 拉鈴下車(上面有敘述, 220 Street SW 的部份). 在 Shell 油站前轉 Community Transit #100 或 #101 (南下) 或是直接往南走(Shell 油站和 Shuck’s 汽車用品店那一邊是南邊, Starbucks 那一側是北邊, 不要坐錯邊)約 5 個街口(約 0.5 英哩). 回程時可反向乘坐上面的敘述, 經 Aurora -> Northgae -> 回 UW 或回原來下車的對面乘坐 #810 (12:46 PM, 1:46 PM, 2:46 PM, 3:46 PM, 4:46 PM) 回華大. 不建議走 5 個街口(約 0.5 英哩), Community Transit #100, #101 約每十五分鐘一班. 我想等會比走還要快.