無意間看到路邊上的 Strangers 雜誌. 找了一下中文的新聞, 可是都沒有報導. KAI-TING HUNG , a Taiwanese national and a 19-year-old student at SCCC in 1999, “armed with meat cleavers and knives, briefly took two people hostage at the campus” after receiving “a failing grade for the second quarter in an intensive English-as-a-second-language class,” according to the Seattle Times. Hung was arrested and charged with two counts of second-degree assault and two counts of unlawful imprisonment. After charges were filed, according to another Times report, Hung posted bail and fled the country.

每小時至少要賺 $17.75

根據 Washington Low Income Housing Alliance 的報導, 一個人至少要賺每小時 $17.75 才可以在金恩郡租得起兩房的公寓… 出處: Seattle PI A worker in King County must earn at least $17.75 an hour to afford the rent of a two-bedroom home, according to a report released last week by the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance. That amount, which is also known as the “housing wage,” is what a full-time worker must earn to spend no more than 30 percent of his or her income on rent. Nearly half of all King County renters, an estimated 46 percent, cannot afford the housing wage for a two-bedroom unit, according to the report. Workers who earn minimum wage must work 86 hours a week to afford a space that size. Nationally, the housing wage for a two-bedroom apartment is $15.21 an hour.

Boeing Surplus Store

如果不想花大錢買電腦…反正就是會動, 可以上網, 寫作業就行了. 那要那麼好的機器? 也許你可以來 Boeing Surplus Store 逛逛. 這裡的貨除了沒有賣飛機零件外, 什麼都有. 大從車床, 金屬切割器, 到各式 Boeing 不要的二手家具. 不過最讓人心動的還是電腦, 尤其是筆記型電腦. 這裡的貨色品質參差不齊, 要眼觀四面, 多摸摸, 多看看, 有很多人專門來這裡揀好貨. 我覺得去 Boeing Surplus Store 就像去二手店, 算是一種樂趣. 因為要找到看上眼的機會不多. 每次如果有機會經過 Kent, 除了逛 IKEA, 有時候就”順便”去 Boeing Surplus Store 撿機會. Boeing Surplus Store 網站 地址: 20651 84th Ave S. Kent Washington (從北邊, 就是當去 Great Wall Mall 的大華時, 不要左轉進 Great Wall Mall, 繼續往南直行約兩英哩. 在右側)