
網站 在西雅圖想要知道誰是菜鳥觀光客並不難. 在西雅圖有一種地圖, 上面除了有市中心, 西雅圖中心, Lake Union 和華盛頓大學的各個景點, 還印有旅館, 餐廳和購物等等的位置. 這地圖印得精美, 實用又方便. 還有日文版. 每當在街上, 看到有人拿著這地圖, 對照著街上的地點就知道這是新到的觀光客.

房租貴, 油價貴…現在還有買吃的也貴

報導上說, 在西雅圖採買 $100 元的食物, 在雙子城和波士頓只須要花 $92 元. 大西雅圖地區平均價錢最貴的是 Safeway. 另外儘管 Fred Meyer 和 QFC 都是同一個老版. Fred Meyer 平均起來卻是比 QFC 便宜約 10%. 不過也不用洩氣, 儘管西雅圖地區有最貴的價錢, 比起其他地區店裡有較多的選擇. 產品的質量也好許多. 所有的連鎖店裡, 以 Haggen Food and Pharmacy 有最低的平均價和高的質量和服務水準. 不過也難怪, 這店是在大西雅圖地區非常北方的部份. 報導: Grocery bills are higher here Choice of store can save you $$

每小時至少要賺 $17.75

根據 Washington Low Income Housing Alliance 的報導, 一個人至少要賺每小時 $17.75 才可以在金恩郡租得起兩房的公寓… 出處: Seattle PI A worker in King County must earn at least $17.75 an hour to afford the rent of a two-bedroom home, according to a report released last week by the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance. That amount, which is also known as the “housing wage,” is what a full-time worker must earn to spend no more than 30 percent of his or her income on rent. Nearly half of all King County renters, an estimated 46 percent, cannot afford the housing wage for a two-bedroom unit, according to the report. Workers who earn minimum wage must work 86 hours a week to afford a space that size. Nationally, the housing wage for a two-bedroom apartment is $15.21 an hour.